Tuesday, June 5, 2012

World Environment Day Theme 2012

Green Economy: Does it include you? The UN Environment Programme defines the "Green Economy" as one that results in improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. In its simplest expression, a green economy can be thought of as one which is low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive.

Now, talking about these terms, low carbon means making justifiable and reduced use of carbon fuels and controlling carbon emission from our daily activities. Everyday, we use energy to fuel up our lives. It is inevitable. But, what can help saving the environment is that we should use energy more sensibly.

Resource efficiency means that we need to make most of what we have got. The tendency to scatter and waste the resources is deemed to cause shortage in future. We need to make efforts to leave resources for our future generations too.

Ans lastly, social inclusion of the environmental drive is necessary. Until  and unless, every person will not understand their role in making the planet greener, you can not dream of a better future. What we need is to generate lots of awareness, tell people that they are capable of contributing, their efforts can bring new hopes.

No effort goes useless, that's what I believe, and I'm sure you too can feel it. So, here is a list what we can do, to give something back to our mother nature:

  • The, utmost, spread word. You can share this post via facebook/twitter/your blog.
  • Reduce energy wastage. Turn off your lights, engines, or any appliance that you are not using.
  • For PC users, delete your old mails/scraps/old data that you keep on servers. It causes use of more servers, it creates unnecessary load on servers causing them to heat up. And lots of energy is needed to keep them cooled.
  • Say no to polythene bags, you can always carry a cloth bag.
  • Don't waste petrol. We are possibly in the last decades of petroleum usage. After this, the reserves are drying and the price hike will  make it impossible to purchase petrol.
  • Plant trees- van mahotsava if upcoming in the first week of July. I plan to make earth greener, do you?
I can say for sure that if you follow even a few of these steps, you'll feel good, in your heart that you too helped creating a better world.